Home Welcome to Ross-Sec-Audio
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Welcome to Ross-Sec-Audio

Introduction to this site and the blog.

Hey there!

I’ve created this site to learn and showcase the silly things I’ve written and developed.

I don’t claim to be an expert on any topics covered here, so if I’ve made an error or misunderstood something, please do let me know. I’d be happy to update posts as required.

I’m using this site to improve my understanding of InfoSec, Music Production, and Politics. I also see this as an opportunity to improve my writing and communication skills.

There’s nothing like hard-earned practice so here we go, warts and all.

I’m hosting this site using GitHub Pages, and it’s developed using Jekyll. This keeps things very simple through Markdown, along with a bit of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.


I’m interested in lots of stuff, but I’m planning to write about the following topics:

  1. Information Security
  2. Programming & Software Development
  3. Music Production
  4. Other musings on the world (i.e. politics, social science, anthropology, etc.)


If you’d like me to cover anything in particular, or if you’d like to collaborate, please don’t hesitate to get in touch - Email

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.